Integrated Aquaculture and Crop Production – SkyFox Ltd

Obstacle Farmers inhabiting hilly drylands have no access to suitable wetlands and have poor knowledge about efficient water technologies.

Innovation Integrated Aquaculture and Crop Production

Organization Type For-Profit

Country(ies) Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone

Contact Dr. Oliver Ujah Email SkyFox Ltd Website


Major constraints include: 1) Lack of water in hilly dry-lands of Savannahs and the Sahel, 2) Poor knowledge about efficient water technologies, 3) Lack of capital to construct and manage water infrastructure for fish production, 4) High cost of upfront capital to access the Volta lake for fish farming, including costly and bureaucratic procedures for acquiring permits, and 5) High cost of constructing and managing earthen ponds for fish production.


In Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, SkyFox Ltd’s innovation involves top-of-the-hill aquaculture ponds capable of producing two tons of catfish twice a year and nutrient-rich water for irrigating 25-acres at the base of the hill. SkyFox will lease ponds and irrigation land and provide extension services to resource-poor farmers.
